Investing in the future of our planet.

Design to enable institutional trading of environmental assets, mitigating climate crisis and preserving the biodiversity of our natural ecosystems.


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For more information,
please fill out the form:

    Select the options that best represents your interest:

    I am interested in purchaising carbon credits - for offsetting purposes.

    I am interested in buying carbon credits - with the purpose of trading the assets.

    I am interested in selling carbon credits.

    I am somewhat interested in the subject and would like to get more information.

    Invest in nature. in people. in future.

    With focus on voluntary carbon markets, GEAP is a technological powerhouse, providing a seamless, efficient and transparent platform for buyers and sellers to securely trade their assets.


    Learn more.

    For more information, please fill out the form:

      Select the options that best represents your interest:

      I am interested in purchaising carbon credits - for offsetting purposes.

      I am interested in buying carbon credits - with the purpose of trading the assets.

      I am interested in selling carbon credits.

      I am somewhat interested in the subject and would like to get more information.

      Invest in nature. in people. in future.

      With focus on voluntary carbon markets, GEAP is a technological powerhouse, providing a seamless, efficient and transparent platform for buyers and sellers to securely trade their assets.


      Learn more.

      Integrity, Security
      and Scalability.

      Experience the future of environmental asset trading.

      Designed to provide a secure and efficient marketplace for trading carbon credits, renewable energy certificates, and biodiversity offsets, our Exchange empowers users to capitalize on market opportunities while supporting projects that foster environmental regeneration.
      Advanced features, such as smart contracts and a dynamic pricing mechanism, ensure a seamless and user-friendly trading experience.

      Impact & Responsability


      Our trading platform ensures the integrity and quality of the credits inside our ecosystem. Developed in partnership with a top tier trading engine and the Brazilian largest credit register, we guarantee the safety and compliance requested by the leading international organization responsible for climate change policies.

      Social Impact

      By working with environmental projects, we can unlock and understand the needs of local communities, developing new inclusive markets that are sustainable in the long term.

      By working with environmental projects, we can unlock and understand the needs of local communities, developing new inclusive markets that are sustainable in the long term.

      Environmental Impact

      We contribute to the adherence and implementation of sustainable practices related to climate crisis by encouraging greenhouse gas reduction projects, such as energy, forestry, chemicals, and urban projects, among others.


      Transparent and automated platform with traceability and data integrity supported by blockchain technology to guarantee a stable and open ecosystem that effectively handles environmental issues and transaction hurdles.

      Want to know more?

      Let us show you. 20 minutes is more than what we need.